about me

Hello! My name is Dhanish Natarajan, and I’m currently a junior at Lynbrook High School. What I love about programming is that it allows me to use my creativity and problem-solving skills to make a positive impact within my community. I was introduced to programming when I was 9 years old. As I progressed through my programming journey, I learned that there is always more to learn in the field of CS. Therefore, I’ve never been afraid of stepping into new territories and exploring various APIs, frameworks, tools, and languages.

NOTE: This website han't been fully updated since I plan on making a new website from scratch using React very soon!

Skills and Interests

I learn new skills by working on computer science projects in diverse fields. This way, I can build upon my knowledge to pursue my passion for developing programs/applications that address real world problems

Machine Learning

Machine learning never fails to fascinate me because of its potential to solve numerous problems that cannot be solved through regular code. I have some experience with ML related libraries such as tensorflow, pytorch, scikit learn and numpy

Game Development

Game development is where I can combine my programming skills and creativity to enrich my learning through an enjoyable experience. I have developed games with python's graphics library called pygame.


I have experience with Javascript, HTML, CSS, and ReactJS. I have learned how to build a responsive and engaging website frontend for the user.


I have a substantial amount of experience with Python and some of its libraries like Flask, Nextcord, and Opencv. I have also used the Mongodb and Sqlite3 databases in various projects.


  • All
  • Web
  • Game Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Hackathons
  • Volunteering