Sudoku Solver

  • Game Design
  • April 2018


During the time this project was made, I was new to the programming world. My grandfather has always loved solving sudokus, so I wanted to create a sudoku application that he could possibly use. I also wanted to create a feature in the application in which the computer can solve the sudoku and also determine the difficulty of the sudoku for a human.

What it does

The application can generate sudokus, solve them and provide an interface for users to solve sudokus. There is a stopwatch which users can use while solving and if the user is taking a break, he/she could also save their progress.

How I built it

A backtracking algorithm is used to solve and generate sudokus. The backend was done using python while the user interface was created using a python graphics module named pygame.

What I learned

I learned how to create a better user interface and gained more experience with python and pygame.

Links: Github