
  • Web
  • Hackathon
  • May 2020


It was June 2020 and my friends and I were sitting at our homes, feeling extremely unproductive with nothing much to do. To help us and many others cure boredom during quarantine, we created a web application named quarantimes during a hackathon

What it does

This application provides many accessible features such as the recent Covid - 19 News, Movies, Chat, and blogs about things you could do including cooking, exercising, reading books and much more!

How I built it

For running our website we used Flask which is a lightweight WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) web application framework for python. We used python to access information from news and blog APIs (Application Programming Interface). We used html, css and javascript as our frontend.

What I learned

I learnt how to distribute work to my teammates during a hackathon such that everyone works efficiently and finishes the project before the deadline.

Links: Devpost Video